Friday, September 28, 2012

Either way, it's the Zac Brown Band...

I arrived in North Africa on August 3rd, and from then every single day was 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit.  Many were humid, some were overcast, but all were clear - until yesterday.  I woke up to a light rain.  What was this strange thing water falling from sky?  I was like the lifelong California resident who moves to the Midwest and is bewildered when he encounters snow for the first time.  I'd forgotten all about rain.  Where the (bleep) is my jacket and umbrella?!  A little more precipitation today, too.  Not to mention, cold.  Hope this doesn't start a trend...

Speaking of early morning excitement, yesterday I was shaving when right in the middle of things the power goes out.  Really?  Now?  Perfect timing.  The only surprise was that it was out only briefly.  I bring this up because living in Casa has brought certain challenges.  The infrastructure here is NOT what it is back in the States.  My (much more religious) roommate marvels at the colorful language I can command at these times.  I have, unfortunately, gotten used to power outages, gremlins messing the phone, Internet connections failing.  And around here is as good as it gets in this country!  Reminds me...It's funny how the locals look at themselves and their city.  They believe to a person that Moroccans are a friendly people - and they are.  They also do not hesitate to say that Casablanca is an ugly city.  It is the center of commerce in Morocco; all agree that Marrakesh and Fes have much more to offer in terms of culture.  Someday soon, hopefully...

While we are on the topic of how things work around here...I signed out the car to do some grocery shopping yesterday afternoon.  I'm cruising down Route d' Azemmour toward the mall, had that Renault Kangoo doing over 80 when I saw the police.  Uh-oh.  Did you forget that I'm talking kilometers here?  (snicker)  Driving home I'm enjoying a nice meal (I'm all about multi-tasking, you know.  And food.) when I thought about what I was taught to do if the police ever did pull me over.  Supposeably, the standard bribe is 200 dirhams.  I can afford it because payday was today.  Whee - couscous for everyone!  Not that I have a bank account to put that money in - I can't get one until I get my residency papers.  Uh, I ain't exactly holding my breath while I wait.  I'm told 4 months is a safe bet.  I hear that they're world-beaters compared to the postal service...

Took a walk to the beach around sunset Tuesday.  Tide was low and it was getting a lil' dark when I got down to near the water and I saw two guys coming in with a plastic bag.  I approached and asked in French as to what they had in the bag while I pantomimed a clam with my hand.  What else could it be?  Dude reaches in and pulls out a small octopus!  Cool!  Never saw one live and THIS close!  After they walked away I went toward the water and it wasn't smooth sailing along the sand; it was a little craggly.  I guess at low tide they walk out into the water and yank 'em out of their hiding spots with the long, thin, hooked metal poles they were carrying...

Oh yeah, about the title of this week's post...I couldn't pick between 2 song titles that I thought were both appropriate given this week's topics, but both were by the country band Zac Brown Band -  Toes (in the water) or Colder Weather (feat. Little Big Town).  G'night, y'all!

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